When it comes to getting or changing your automobile insurance there are many things that you should know. It’s difficult to know what documents to bring to a meeting with your auto insurance agent.
In Cooper City, Florida, Lisa Faina, an Allstate insurance agent, says, “I believe that arriving with the proper documentation for your meeting is essential.” It is critical to be prepared to have the most productive experience possible because it helps your agent gather the information they’ll need to steer you toward the most outstanding options for your family.
Your agent will discuss new coverage or changes to your current plan during your meeting in most circumstances. In either case, the following are essential factors to consider:
According to Faina, when you go to acquire auto insurance, you’ll need to bring the following documents with you:
A valid driver’s license:
“It is necessary for you to provide your driver’s license and photocopies of the licenses of other family members who will be driving the vehicle(s) you wish to insure.”
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):
According to Faina, ” To prove proper ownership of any automobiles you’re insuring, bring the registration documents with you.”
Current Declaration Page:
According to her, “If you have current insurance coverage on any of the vehicles for which you’re seeking a quote, bring your current insurance declaration sheet as proof of coverage.”
Check that has been voided:
“It’s a good idea to bring a voided check in case you decide to get insurance at your meeting,” Faina suggests. Insurers frequently offer auto-pay or online bill pay from checking accounts, and a voided check will provide your account and routing number information for verification.
Although most modifications to your coverage are elementary procedures, some do necessitate the submission of documentation. Here are a few illustrations:
Adding a New Person or Vehicle: This is a simple procedure.
According to Faina, ” Bring a statement to show compliance with needed coverage if you have an existing policy. Also, bring your driver’s license and registration for any vehicles that you want to add to your insurance.“
Removing a Person from Consideration:
Although it is not mandatory, Faina recommends that the person who has decided to stop coverage bring proof of new insurance with them, as car insurance is a legal requirement in the United States.
Canceling an insurance policy:
Faina recommends that you bring replacement coverage with you as a safety precaution when you wish to cancel the insurance. “The declarations page, which indicates the date on which the new coverage begins, is often necessary to show. Since insurance is needed, it is possible that a policy will not be canceled unless your present insurer is informed of the existence of new coverage, “she explains. “Please be aware that there may be situations when you might prefer to cancel your insurance coverage. However, we’d like to know why you’re canceling your policy so that we can better assist you in understanding your options or finding alternative solutions to fit your needs.
When purchasing or making changes to your auto insurance, a little planning goes a long way. This is just like it does with many other significant expenditures. If you’re unsure about the documents, you’ll need for your meeting, consult with your insurance agent for clarification.
Click here to apply now for auto insurance.